List of Characters in The Winter's Tale

Leontes- King of Sicilia
He is a headstrong man who is at first guided more by emotions than reason. His unfounded suspicions against his wife, Hermione, and his friend, King Polixenes, separate him from both of them and cause him to reject his infant daughter. His unjust actions also indirectly result in the death of his son, Mamillius. In many ways, he resembles the flawed protagonists of Greek tragedy; however,he reforms himself before it is too late. 

Hermione- Queen to Leontes

Perdita- Daughter to Leontes and Hermione

Mamillius- Young Prince of Sicilia.
His death adds a tragic elements to the play. 

Polixenes- King of Bohemia, the childhood friend of Leontes
He opposes his son's marriage to Perdita (the rejected daughter of Leontes, now grown) believing her to be a commoner. Although he accepts Perdita at the end of the play, he does so only after he learns her true identity. Whether he has overcome his prejudice against commoners remains open to question.  

Florizel- Polixenes's son

Camillio Upright advisor of King Leontes. After Leontes order him to poison Polixenes, Camillo returns with Polixenes to Bohemia and becomes his advisor.  

Antigonus, Cleomenes, Dion - Lords of Sicilia

Paulina- Wife to Antigonus

Emilia- a lady attending the Queen

Autolycus- a Rogue. A comic thief and pedlar who assists Florizel and Perdita.

Archidamus- a Lord of Bohemia

An old Shepherd- reputed father of Perdita
He is 67 when the infant Perdita is found and 83 at the end of the play.

Clown- his Son

Mariner- Crewman of the ship that carries Antigonus and Perdita to Bohemia. 

Emilia- Lady attending Hermione. 

Mopsa, Dorcas- Shepherdesses. 

Rogero- Lord who tells other gentlemen that a prophecy by the Delphic Oracle has been fulfilled. 

Minor Characters- Other lords, gentlemen, ladies, officers, servants, shepherds, shepherdesses.

